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Imprint / data protection declaration


The person responsible for this website in terms of data protection laws is:


lic. iur. Fatih Aslantas, LL.M.


Bahnhofstrasse 7

8570 Weinfelden


Phone: +41 71 626 22 66


General remark


Based on Article 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution and the federal data protection provisions (Data Protection Act, DSG), everyone has the right to the protection of their privacy and protection against misuse of their personal data. The operators of this website take the protection of your personal data very seriously. We treat your personal data confidentially and in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations and this data protection declaration.


In cooperation with our hosting providers, we strive to protect the databases as well as possible from unauthorized access, loss, misuse or falsification.


We would like to point out that data transmission over the Internet (e.g. when communicating by e-mail) can have security gaps. A complete protection of the data against access by third parties is not possible.

By using this website, you consent to the collection, processing and use of data as described below. In principle, this website can be visited without registration. In doing so, data such as pages called up or the name of the file called up, date and time are stored on the server for statistical purposes without this data being directly related to your person. Personal data, in particular name, address or email address, are collected on a voluntary basis as far as possible. The data will not be passed on to third parties without your consent.


Processing of personal data


Personal data is all information that relates to a specific or identifiable person. A data subject is a person about whom personal data is processed. Processing includes all handling of personal data, regardless of the means and procedures used, in particular the storage, disclosure, procurement, deletion, storage, modification, destruction and use of personal data.

We process personal data in accordance with Swiss data protection law. In addition, we process - to the extent and insofar as the EU GDPR is applicable - personal data in accordance with the following legal bases in connection with Art. 6 Para. 1 GDPR:


  • lit. a) Processing of personal data with the consent of the data subject.

  • lit.b) Processing of personal data to fulfill a contract with the data subject and to carry out corresponding pre-contractual measures.

  • c) Processing of personal data to fulfill a legal obligation to which we are subject in accordance with any applicable law of the EU or in accordance with any applicable law of a country in which the GDPR is fully or partially applicable.

  • lit.d) Processing of personal data in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person.

  • lit.f) Processing of personal data in order to safeguard the legitimate interests of us or of third parties, provided that the fundamental freedoms and rights and interests of the person concerned do not prevail. Legitimate interests are in particular our business interests in being able to provide our website, information security, the enforcement of our own legal claims and compliance with Swiss law.


We process personal data for the duration that is necessary for the respective purpose or purposes. In the case of longer storage obligations due to legal and other obligations to which we are subject, we limit the processing accordingly.


Privacy policy for cookies


This site uses cookies. These are small text files that make it possible to save specific, user-related information on the user's device while he is using the website. Cookies make it possible, in particular, to determine the frequency of use and the number of users of the pages, to analyze the behavior of the page usage, but also to make our offer more customer-friendly. Cookies are stored beyond the end of a browser session and can be called up again when you visit the site again. If you do not want this, you should set your internet browser so that it refuses to accept cookies.


A general objection to the use of cookies used for online marketing purposes can be made for a large number of services, especially in the case of tracking, via the US site or the EU site to be explained. Furthermore, cookies can be saved by deactivating them in the browser settings. Please note that then you may not be able to use all of the functions of this online offer.


Data protection declaration for SSL / TLS encryption


This website uses SSL / TLS encryption for security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential content, such as the inquiries that you send to us as the website operator. You can recognize an encrypted connection by the fact that the address line of the browser changes from "http: //" to "https: //" and by the lock symbol in your browser line.

If the SSL or TLS encryption is activated, the data that you transmit to us cannot be read by third parties.


Data protection declaration for server log files


The provider of this website automatically collects and stores information in so-called server log files, which your browser automatically transmits to us. These are:


  • Browser type and browser version

  • operating system used

  • Referrer URL

  • Host name of the accessing computer

  • Time of the server request


These data cannot be assigned to specific persons. This data will not be merged with other data sources. We reserve the right to check this data retrospectively if we become aware of specific indications of illegal use.


Third party services


This website uses Google Maps for embedding maps, Google Invisible reCAPTCHA for protection against bots and spam.


These services of the American Google LLC use cookies, among other things, and as a result data is transmitted to Google in the USA, whereby we assume that no personal tracking takes place solely through the use of our website.


Google is committed to ensuring adequate data protection in accordance with the American-European and American-Swiss Privacy Shields.


Further information can be found in Google's data protection declaration .


Privacy policy for the right to information, deletion, blocking


You have the right to free information about your stored personal data, their origin and recipient and the purpose of the data processing as well as the right to correct, block or delete this data at any time. You can contact us at any time at the address given in the legal notice if you have any further questions on the subject of personal data.


Paid services


For the provision of chargeable services, we ask for additional data, such as payment details to process your order or To carry out your order. We store this data in our systems until the statutory retention periods have expired.


Use of Google Maps


This website uses Google Maps API to visually display geographic information. When using Google Maps, Google also collects, processes and uses data about the use of the map functions by visitors. You can find more information about data processing by Google in the Google data protection information. There you can also change your personal data protection settings in the data protection center.


You can find detailed instructions on how to manage your own data in connection with Google products here.


Google AdWords


This website uses Google conversion tracking. If you have reached our website via an advertisement placed by Google, Google Adwords will set a cookie on your computer. The conversion tracking cookie is set when a user clicks on an ad placed by Google. These cookies lose their validity after 30 days and are not used for personal identification. If the user visits certain pages on our website and the cookie has not yet expired, we and Google can recognize that the user clicked on the ad and was redirected to this page. Every Google AdWords customer receives a different cookie. Cookies cannot therefore be tracked via the websites of AdWords customers. The information obtained using the conversion cookie is used to generate conversion statistics for AdWords customers who have opted for conversion tracking. The customers find out the total number of users who clicked on their ad and were redirected to a page with a conversion tracking tag. However, they do not receive any information with which users can be personally identified.


If you do not want to participate in the tracking, you can refuse the setting of a cookie required for this - for example via a browser setting that generally deactivates the automatic setting of cookies or setting your browser so that cookies from the domain “” are blocked.


Please note that you must not delete the opt-out cookies as long as you do not want measurement data to be recorded. If you have deleted all of your cookies in your browser, you must set the respective opt-out cookie again.


Data protection declaration for Google Analytics


This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service from Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. To deactivate Google Analytics, Google provides a browser plug-in at Google Analytics uses cookies. These are small text files that make it possible to save specific, user-related information on the user's device. These enable an analysis of the use of our website by Google. The information collected by the cookie about the use of our website (including your IP address) is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. We would like to point out that Google Analytics has been expanded to include the code "gat._anonymizeIp ();" on this website in order to ensure an anonymized collection of IP addresses (so-called IP masking). If anonymization is active, Google shortens IP addresses within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area, which is why it is not possible to draw any conclusions about your identity. The full IP address will only be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there in exceptional cases. Google observes the data protection provisions of the “Privacy Shield” agreement and is registered with the “Privacy Shield” program of the US Department of Commerce and uses the information collected to evaluate the use of our websites, to write reports for us on this and to provide us with other related services to provide. You can find out more at .


Contractual services


We process the data of our contractual partners and interested parties as well as other clients, customers, clients, clients or contractual partners (uniformly referred to as "contractual partners") in accordance with the data protection regulations of the federal government (Data Protection Act, DSG) and the EU GDPR in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b. GDPR in order to provide you with our contractual or pre-contractual services. The data processed here, the type, scope and purpose and the necessity of their processing are determined by the underlying contractual relationship.


The processed data includes the master data of our contractual partners (e.g. names and addresses), contact details (e.g. email addresses and telephone numbers) as well as contract data (e.g. services used, contract content, contractual communication, names of contact persons) and payment data (e.g. bank details, payment history ).


As a matter of principle, we do not process special categories of personal data, unless these are part of a commissioned or contractual processing.


We process data that are necessary for the establishment and fulfillment of the contractual services and point out the necessity of their disclosure, if this is not evident for the contractual partner. Disclosure to external persons or companies only takes place if it is required within the framework of a contract. When processing the data provided to us as part of an order, we act in accordance with the instructions of the client and the legal requirements.


When using our online services, we can save the IP address and the time of the respective user action. The storage takes place on the basis of our legitimate interests, as well as the interests of the users in protection against misuse and other unauthorized use. A transfer of this data to third parties does not take place, unless it is necessary to pursue our claims in accordance with Art. 6 Paragraph 1 lit. f. GDPR or there is a legal obligation to do so in accordance with Art. 6 Paragraph 1 lit. c. GDPR.


The data will be deleted when the data is no longer required to fulfill contractual or statutory welfare obligations and to deal with any warranty or comparable obligations, whereby the need to store the data is checked at irregular intervals. In addition, the statutory retention requirements apply.


Notice regarding data transfers to the USA (United States of America)


For the sake of completeness, we would like to point out that there are monitoring measures by US authorities for users based in Switzerland, which generally enable the storage of all personal data from Switzerland - which has been transmitted to the USA.


This happens without differentiation, restriction or exception based on the objectives pursued and without an objective criterion that makes it possible to restrict the access of the US authorities to the data and their subsequent use to very specific, strictly limited purposes, those with access to be able to justify this data as well as interventions associated with its use. We would also like to point out that in the USA there are no legal remedies for the data subjects from Switzerland that would allow them to gain access to the data concerning you and to have it corrected or deleted. there is no effective judicial protection against general access rights of US authorities. We explicitly point out this legal and factual situation to those affected in order to make an appropriately informed decision to consent to the use of their data.


We would like to point out to users residing in a member state of the EU that, from the point of view of the European Union, the USA does not have an adequate level of data protection.




The copyright and all other rights to content, images, photos or other files on the website belong exclusively to the operator of this website or the specifically named rights holders. The written consent of the copyright holder must be obtained in advance for the reproduction of all files.

Whoever commits a copyright infringement without the consent of the respective rights holder can make himself liable to prosecution and possibly liable for damages.


General disclaimer


All information on this website has been carefully checked. We strive to provide our information offering up-to-date, correct and complete. Nevertheless, the occurrence of errors cannot be completely ruled out, which means that we cannot guarantee the completeness, correctness and topicality of information, including journalistic and editorial information. Liability claims from material or immaterial damage caused by the use of the information offered are excluded, unless it can be proven that there was willful intent or gross negligence.


The publisher can change or delete texts at his own discretion and without notice and is not obliged to update the content of this website. Use of or access to this website is at the visitor's own risk. The publisher, its clients or partners are not responsible for damage, such as direct, indirect, accidental, specifically to be determined in advance or consequential damage, which allegedly resulted from visiting this website and consequently assume no liability for this.


The publisher also assumes no responsibility or liability for the content and availability of third-party websites that can be accessed via external links on this website. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content. The publisher thus expressly distances itself from all third-party content that may be relevant under criminal or liability law or that is contrary to common decency.




We can adapt this data protection declaration at any time without prior notice. The current version published on our website applies. Insofar as the data protection declaration is part of an agreement with you, we will inform you of the change in the event of an update by e-mail or in another suitable manner.


Questions to the data protection officer


If you have any questions about data protection, please send us an email or contact the person responsible for data protection in our organization listed at the beginning of the data protection declaration.


Weinfelden, March 14th, 2021

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